
Posts Tagged ‘working out’

I used to love TaeBo and did it quite often in college but eventually found his workouts (and mainly the music) not very interesting.  I have struggled to find a work out video that I love to do at home until one night I came across Turbo Kick.  It is a high energy, kickboxing, dance work out set to pretty good and current music.  It was instant LOVE!  Plus, I LOVE the instructor Chalene Johnson, she is amazing.  I got it right before the holidays so I had a hard time fitting it in to my schedule.  However, this year, I’ve managed to make it a fairly consistent part of my routine.

I got the first Fan round 1 which has Turbo 101 and 2 other rounds.  I was on 101 for a while as I almost had a heart attack watching how fast they move in the other 2 rounds.  I thought I couldn’t do it and wouldn’t be able to keep up.  Finally, I said, what the heck.  Popped in the longer, more intense work out and I could do it!  Sure, I was totally out of breath but I could do it!  Sometimes we tell ourselves so many negative things and if we take a chance, we can surprise ourselves.

I lost 8 lbs in January and hopefully more to come!  The main thing I need to do now is to eat a little healthier, reduce my calorie intake and add some weight training.  I guess it takes a deficit of 3,500 calories to lose a pound.  That seems like a lot especially sitting on my butt in front of a computer all day!!  Sometimes creating a healthy lifestyle seems like so much work.  But, I hope to make it fun and know that I will be healthier for my family and can teach good habits to my son about taking care of yourself through healthy eating and exercise.

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