
Posts Tagged ‘weight training’

So, I’ve struggled all my life finding something active to do that I LOVE after quitting gymnastics at age 14.  I think there are a bunch of things that go in to that – not wanting to do bad at a sport (perfectionist), thinking I couldn’t do something (out of shape) and just not caring and making the time to get healthy.  I think something is different this time since I’ve been eating healthy and working out for about a month and a half now.  I haven’t been perfect but I’ve stuck with it.

As I mentioned before, I found Chalene Johnson’s Turbo Kick and am addicted.  So, after way too much research, I decided to try Chalean Extreme from Beach Body.  I know I need to add some weight training and would like fast results.  I mean, who wouldn’t??  I wasn’t sure if I’d like it or not but I read enough reviews to see that the routines change up enough and people have fun.

I did the Burn Circuit 1 today and IT ROCKED!!!!  I’m surprised I loved it so much.  I felt like I was sweating from the inside out, getting out all that crap in my body.  Basically, you lift weights slowly (which makes them heavier) until you are fatigued and can’t lift that weight anymore.  The workouts are around 45 minutes which if you were lifting heavy weights, it would seem like forever and this went by super fast.  I’m really motivated to continue and can’t wait to see how this all goes.  It kind of feels like there is a light at the end of the tunnel for me and this weight loss crap.  I’m just tired of being self-conscious merely because I am uncomfortable in my skin.

Yay for me!  and THANK YOU CHALENE!!

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